Switching obgyns?

Kisses - A

I am really sorry this is long but I have no one else to ask but i know I should call the doctor but here it goes.

So as I get closer to going off my birth control and trying for #2 I had a few thoughts pop into my head. I was hoping for some input. Please bear with me.

As I have previously given birth to a 27 weeker, I will high risk and according to my current doctors i have a good chance of delivering early next time. That being said I know I want to be affiliated with a Level 3 nicu just in case. My ob is affiliated with a level 2. Here's where my problem lies. I have been researching other obs affiliated with level 3 nicu hospitals and found one I am interested in.

1. Do I wait until I am closer to ttc to make an appointment with a new ob?

2. Should I schedule my annual exam with the new ob?3. Do I do the exam or preconception appointment first?

4. Do I take a copy of my medical records from my current obgyn or will they get the records?

5. Or should I wait until I am pregnant to worry about switching obs.

Has anyone switched obs? Is it awkward?

Sorry I'm hormonal from my period and nervous bc I only have a few more months before we start trying.

Thanks ladies. And I apologize for the word vomit.