I'm so freaking annoyed

I took my SO home last night around 6:30. We only talked for 20 minutes until he disappeared for 5 hours and messages me back after I had sent him a messaging saying "obviously you're busy tonight :(..good night babe" about 5 minutes later, he responds. I thought it was strange but he claimed he was taking a nap. He had a pretty rough day at work so eh..I finally was able to talk to him but he then again stopped responding. He disappeared for almost 2 hours and it's close to 2 something in the morning. I was having a pretty bad day and I am sick so I figured because I wasn't making much conversation material that I had bored him. He ends up messaging me 10 minutes later stating he was talking to his roommate but I end up just going to bed.

I forgot today was his day off and he made no effort to tell me. He always does and he never sleeps all day long and even if he doee, he always gets up to pee. So I'm upset that he didn't want to spend time with me today when I hardly get to see him as it is. He's always complaining that he can't see me but this happens. I just want some attention because I'm in pain and sick. A simple "how are you feeling" message would of been enough but I get nothing.

I tried calling him but he said his auntie Is speaking to him and his roommate about some stuff but he hasn't called back at all. Maybe to clingy or to needy perhaps? Ugh I'm just so emotional when I'm sick.

Thank you for reading. I have no other place to turn to <\3