
I am 33 weeks and just yesterday at church a friend came up and said "wow you don't look that pregnant at all!" and just the other day a co-worker said "oh! You look pregnant for the first time. I knew you couldn't hide it for much longer! How far along are you?" I am not a skinny little thing to start and I do feel like it took me quite a while to show but I haven't ever tried to hide the fact that I was pregnant. And my co-worker was one one the fist people I told at work that I was expecting. For some reason it is bothering the heck out of me! I have gained about 10 lbs. but have been wearing maternity clothes since about 20 weeks. I think I'm just being to sensitive about it all- but really- I wouldn't say those things to a pregnant person. How about - "you have really popped the last couple of days" or "wow you are carrying that many prettying nicely considering you are 33 weeks along..." Instead of telling me I don't look pregnant enough or being accused of hiding it.  Personally I feel as big as a house and am disappointed I have gained so much weight so quickly. I gains 6lbs in two weeks! That sure is enough for me!