This has nothing to with ttc need support/advice 😭😔

Destiny • Happily engaged to the man of my dreams. Mother of one 2 year old prince & 1 angel baby ! ✨💕
Ok yall I never post on here but seriously I'm under a lot of stress & need your advice & help. I'm 20 & my fiancé is 2 years younger we have a 2 1/2 year old & I'm 10 weeks pregnant (please don't judge my nerves are already shot & im already at risk of a miscarriage) well recently he started drinking when he's under the legal age & it's caused him to be violent. Causing domestic charges & vandalism to our property obviously I felt I was in danger so of course I called the law. His po asked me to come to court yesterday although I wasn't ordered to be there I guess he begged because he wanted to see me & our child. Well of course I agreed to come but after going realized his po the judge & his court appointed attorney had set me up & he was unaware. Well the day everything happened he was sent basically to juvie & they moved him to a higher up further away one yesterday. I had the judge & his attorney yelling at me in my face & cussing me out telling me I need to stop being a big baby & calling the law... Here I am a victim I'm pregnant & I'm wrong for calling the law ? Then the judge issued a no contact order which i found dumb in all honesty because of the fact they are all for him being in our nearly 3 year olds life but not our unborn child they don't care if he knows a thing about the baby. Doesn't make since. So they asked if I'm ok with my fiancés dad taking our child 2 hours away to visit his dad in a facility like jail.... Well I said no because his dad was unable to take care of him from age 3 till now... So why would I trust him with my baby ? The judge flipped on me said that just because i pushed the baby out my vagina doesn't mean his dad isn't able to raise him just as well as I am but this had nothing to do with his dad it's his grandfather I trust his dad with our child I said that & I said I've never kept him from our child then she flipped again saying that the dad has just as many rights all that well first my sons dad isn't legitimized ! He's not on the birth certificate there's no DNA & he doesn't have his last name but that's not stopped me from letting him have our child alone & so on. Well anyways his attorney told me that's fine she's getting my fiancé legitimized & my sons last name will change is that true ? & that he will get visitation without my permission yes he can get visitation his dad can but legally I can NOT allow My fiancés father to take my child because he's not the dad ! So that's what they aren't comprehending where they are wrong ! It doesn't matter if there is a no contact order they issued it that is their fault ! But we've had this lady she is a mentor but she's higher up then the judge the attorneys the cops everybody we've had her involved with us for awhile & she couldn't attend court once I told her everything that happened she was furious & is gonna fix things. No I don't think me & my fiancé need to be around eachother right now their trying to keep him till he's 19 but I don't think we shouldn't be allowed contact when I have his children were obviously gonna try to work things out eventually but for now yes he needs to be punished for his actions but I don't think he should have to miss the birth of our child or be kept a year & a half there. Nobody understands he has never ever been violent till he touched alcohol so he need rehab counseling & help. & just to go back a little bit his parents have never ever took care of him so it plays a big role on his life... His mom won't speak to him except when she's super high (she lives out of state) & she acts like she hates herself so much for not being there for him when she's high. His dad never even bought him clothes food nothing his nana took care of him for awhile then my mom took care of him & he stayed out of trouble then we moved out together & that's another thing our home is his dad's mothers home he allows us to live here we just have to pay the taxes well his attorney said we need to grow up get out the house or pay his dad rent because we aren't adults not paying rent. Yet I pay all the overhead bills in my name ? & she was just like why should you guys be handed anything in life ! But his dad refused & said we are allowed to stay here rent free regardless but she still kept going on. She kept making me cry so did the judge & they told me I was a big baby & suck it up & when my fiancé would hug me his attorney would flip saying he can't touch me because she doesn't need another domestic ! & then she accused me of buying his alcohol when I'm 20 not 21. She also kept saying how if he was her son she'd get be for statutory rape. & how I'm so stupid you can't fix stupid & basically saying I had him taking care of me & my kids (our kids) when I've worked I've just recently had to leave because of lifting too much & being at risk of miscarriage but I haven't been out of a job long at all I have no problem taking care of myself & my kids I've always have so idk where she was getting that I don't work & all that. Like omg it was just so much to take in the judge isn't a judge she's a magistrate she has no judge experience but is acting as a judge. I just don't understand how they were allowed to treat me that way I'm still so shocked about the whole entire situation. Can you guys please give me some advice or anything will help please I'm so sorry this is very long & there's more that can be added but I'm not gonna make it even longer