For the women that have already turned 30 years old have you noticed a change in your emotions??? I turned 30 this week and I have been so emotional. I dont know what it is. My youngest sister hasnt talked to me in 2 weeks and I havent done anything to her. So i feel like I'm one sister short. The middle one has her mood swings so not everyday is perfect with her. This year I really wanted to celebrate my bday big since it was 30 but I couldnt. So I made myself a dinner so my mom and my sister with her family can come. But I dont feel anything special about it. My husband doesnt seem to take my emotions serious this time. I dont know if I'm being childish or what. But I always celebrate my kids bday. Im always thinking about my kids and him and never think about myself. I've been feeling lonely. All I really wanted was to have a big celebration and have a good time.