I always clean my bathroom in my house I always use Clorox , is it ok still to be cleaning the bathroom with Clorox


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If you want to go green, try using bicarb and white vinegar. It's safe, cheap and incredibly effective. It is also a lot safer when you have a little one exploring. Look up natural green cleaning for more info.


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Yes just make sure the fan is on or a window is open for ventilation.


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There's no evidence that cleaner or bleah is more dangerous during pregnancy but if you're worried, wear a respirator mask and gloves while you clean :) that's what I do! 


Katie • Apr 26, 2015
Bleah = bleach


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Yes, just try to open a window, turn on exhaust fan, or just well-ventilate the room by putting a fan in the doorway facing out, to help draw the smell away from you. If it feels like it's not vented enough, wear a painters mask to cover your mouth and nose, that way you can't inhale as much.