Fiancé rant!! So annoyed!!

My fiancé hates hates hates taking our son and I to my mother's house. I literally have to beg for him to take me and he refuses to let our son go because my moms house is "dirty" and he might get "sick". Yet, he lets his very smelly dogs on the bed all the time, along with the dogs humping toys. And I can't say anything because he won't even let me talk. I've told him I don't like the dogs on the bed firstly because our baby sleeps there and secondly because I am very allergic. But all he says is "I can't do that, period." No talking about it, nothing. It's just upsetting because I want to visit family and I can't. he's being a hypocrite, saying its because of germs that he won't take me to my mother's house, but he doesn't mind dog dirt and who knows what else on the bed. I get so so so mad at him.