Uterus Didelphys Women

Amanda • I`m blessed beyond measure I am a stay at home Mommy/ Wifey I have Uterus Didelphys and I am very family oriented.
Hello ladies I just wanted to find as many women who are just like me! I was recently diagnosed with an anomaly called Uterus Didelphys last year in March. I have 1 vagina, 2 cervixes, and 2 uteruses and maybe a septum. Crazy! I know, but I believe I was born this way for a reason. My husband and I have been ttc for over a year now. However last year in May I got pregnant, but only experienced my pregnancy for a week or 2. I noticed I had been spotting becoming into light bleeding lk a period. Long story short I miscarried due to a chemical pregnancy. I was about 6 wks according to my LMP but my Dr. couldn't tell how far along I was. If you have UD plz share your story with me I would greatly appreciate it my husband and I are still trying and are desperate for answers or tips to become pregnant. I hope you have a marvelous Monday!! Thanks :)