Patiently waiting

Jennifer • Our precious baby boy Mason Carter Alba was born April 28, 2015!
As I'm sitting here at home waiting for them to call me from the hospital to tell me what time to come in its starting to dawn on me. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow & I'll be meeting my baby boy soon. My dr was originally going to induce me at 38 weeks b/c I'm a type 1 diabetic & have had issues w/ my blood sugars. But since I've had high blood pressure the last three visits, protein in my urine, extreme swelling in my feet & retaining water my dr decided today that he will start the 2 day induction & see how that goes. Our goal is for a vaginal delivery but I've also mentally prepared myself for the possibility of a c-section. Just hope as goes well & I can't wait to meet my baby boy👶🏽💙