Still Waiting..

I figured I'd just make a post since I know a few people are waiting, just as patiently as I am 😳, for my baby girl to show her face. 
So far it's about 10pm here & if I make it to midnight, I'm going on my 5th day overdue. Had a prenatal appointment today & I'm only 3cm dilated which is maybe only half a cm more than 2 weeks ago. Besides that everything is looking fine with baby. They've set me up for non-stress tests starting next week (where they will monitor baby's movements) & my next prenatal will be the day after.
Being a SAHM to my 22 month old daughter with my husband more often than not working 12 hour shifts Mon-Fri & often Saturday has made this high risk pregnancy extra difficult. Making it to all of my appointments has been literally impossible. I don't really have family to rely on to baby sit & I have one good friend I trust to watch my daughter who is only available to do so maybe 2-3 days during the week.
I am just so eager for this to be over & to start getting into the swing of the craziness that will be having two children under two. Everyone who has been waiting to see this little one, just keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't make it to these next appointments & that labor strikes before then. ❤️