
Tomorrow is going to be 11 week 1 day. And last week was the most terrifying week in my life. I have been experiencing spotting since 6 weeks and it went on and off until 8 weeks and stopped for 11 days. We rushed into the doc office for the pelvic exam and transviginal ultrasound few days after the first time spotting occurred. Last week, we had our regular check up on Tuesday (1st day of 10 weeks) and everything seemed beautiful. Baby was dancing on the ultrasound screen and the heartbeat rate was great. However, the next day, boom!! Spotting in the morning and then excessive bleeding started in the late afternoon. Blood soaked through my pants and the bed sheet that night and left a fist size stain. My husband and I freaked out and rushed into the office once again to repeat all exams. Baby was still moving like crazy with very strong heart beat. I can't say enough how scared I was in this past week. The doc can't pinpoint the issue...I was bleeding for 5 days and it finally slowed down today... I thought we lost the baby everything I bled. So scary and frustrating. I need some positive thought s here. Anyone has spotting and bleeding issue but still has a healthy pregnancy?