Is this normal?

According to my LMP I should be 8 weeks today. But I just came back from the drs and he said baby is measuring 6 weeks and we couldn't hear a heart beat. He kept asking if I was certain I didn't have my LMP later, but I am positive of the day I started. Has this happened to anyone else??? I'm freaking out because my last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and I don't think I can handle going through another one 😢 
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No advice, just sending you some positive vibes!!!! Good luck!


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It could definitely be normal! Just try to relax and don't stress over it. Happy thoughts until your next appointment!I had a similar situation that did not have a happy ending. Appointment at 8 weeks showed embryo, pole, sac, measuring at 6w6d and no heartbeat. I apologize if that is worrisome to you. Not my intention.On the bright side though (I think?) my dr was very straight forward at that point and was 99% certain that the pregnancy would not continue, so if your dr seems to think everything is ok then you should take that as great news.Let's us know how the next appointment goes!!


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At my first ultrasound I was a week and half behind when my LMP was. I just ovulated later.  Maybe that's all that happened with you? Did they reschedule you for another ultrasound? Maybe 6 weeks was still too early to hear it. Hoping for a good outcome for you!


Kara • Apr 30, 2015
Yes, I'm going back next week. They also took my HCG levels and they are also at 6 weeks, which I'm praying is a good sign!! 🙏🙏🙏