Government Assistance

courtney🌻 • 21. Lucas Michael & Liam Scott - 9.25.15
So I'm 20 years old and am a college student, a broke one at that. I am currently pregnant with twins. Now before anyone bashes me on "using protection" I was told it was physically impossible for me to have children. Today I enrolled in WIC. For those of you who don't know what WIC is, it's a government assistance program that helps you with some essential groceries such as bread, milk, fruits, & veggies. I'm not allowed to work right now because I'm on modified bed rest until further notice. I currently live with my boyfriend in a house on campus that his parents own. They have been paying for mostly everything but have been really complaining since we found out I was pregnant. I thought that getting assistance for myself would help me and them out a little bit, but I got a completely different response. They called me and my family failures for using it and they're upset that "their grandchildren" will be "welfare babies". I'm extremely hurt by this. Getting pregnant was definitely a surprise so I'm trying to figure all this out before my babies are born. And I'm carrying twins so it's only going to be that much more difficult. 
What are your views on receiving assistance? And what should I do about his parents?