
Sorry if this is TMI! I am 7 weeks +5. I had my first ultrasound 4 days ago and everything looked great. Baby had a heart beat of 146. After wiping from using the restroom this morning I noticed bright red bleeding. The bleeding was not enough to show on a pantiliner, only when wiping. The bleeding occurred immediately after orgasm from clitoral stimulation. After about 30 minutes of resting I wiped again and the blood lessened and is now a brownish color. I don't have any cramping or stomach discomfort other than being bloated and gassy. Should I be concerned? Or go to the ER since my doctor is not available on the weekends? I have had slight brown discharge after having intercourse 2 weeks ago but it was a lot lighter than this. Could the orgasm have caused the bleeding? So worried!! Any insight would be helpful!!