3cm dilated πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

Ariana β€’ Been married for 8yrs to the man that completes me. We have a wonderful 6 1/2yr old and another one on the way πŸ‘ΆπŸŽ€
So on Thursday doctor told me I was 3cm dilated already! He said he's just waiting for me to start my contractions or for my water to break! Yikes!! 😳😳😳 my due dates isn't until May 12th. Let's see if I even make it. Anybody in a similar situation? 
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Posted at
I'm almost 38 weeks and dilated to 4 and effaced to 60! Could be anyway now or on time! Yay for us we are almost there :)


Rebecca β€’ May 2, 2015
Ik the feeling!! I just wanna hold my baby girl and I'm so tired of being pregnant lol!!


Ariana β€’ May 2, 2015
Oh wow! We are almost there! I don't want to be pregnant anymore lol my stomach cannot stretch anymore πŸ™… he told me he only give me a couple of days, but no more then a weekπŸ™ˆ


Posted at
You can be at 3cm for weeks. 


Jessica β€’ May 5, 2015
(With my first)


Jessica β€’ May 5, 2015
So true. I was 3cm for almost 4 weeks!


Ariana β€’ May 2, 2015
My doc said he gives it a couple of days.. No more then a week. I hope he's right because I'm done being prego lol


Posted at
I'm due May 12 too. I was 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, station -2 on Friday. I lost a big chunk of my mucous plug 2 weeks ago and little bits since then, but still no bloody show. I'm about to head to the gym in a little bit, so I can get this party moving along! : )


Posted at
I have been 3cm dilated 80 percent effaced and baby at -1 station since my pre term labor scare at 32 weeks. I will be 36 weeks tomorrow but I have been on bed rest since so I honestly think that has kept me from progressing. Hopefully you have a speedy delivery when the time comes! 


Posted at
My due date is May 12th, I am going to be 39 weeks Tuesday. I am now 5cm open and just want him out. Im getting close but feels like he's going to hold on. πŸ˜“


Kaylee β€’ May 4, 2015
The good thing for you is that when your labor does star you're going to GO


Posted at
I'm 37 weeks and due May 22nd and I'm 75 effaced and 3cm dilated and been this way the last 3weeks but I now have to go to a high risk doctor because they are saying he is too big and out growing my body I'm looking to be induced this upcoming week..