Placental Tear

BeautyMommy • I love my family

So I posted this in Dec'15 Bumps but then realized it'll probably get better responses here.

I'm 7w4d with my second child. I started bleeding the other day light spotting for about 15 hours. I wasn't convinced I was mc because I didn't think I was bleeding heavily enough. So I went into the hospital just to get checked out and make sure everything with baby was alright (I haven't seen an obgyn yet). The u/s showed either a tear and blood between the placenta and uterus that could cause a full seperation, which could end up in an abruption and lost baby if it continues to get worse. I'm not on bed rest or anything right now. In fact they didn't tell me to do anything just to follow up with my OB which doesn't seem fully right to me. I have myself on bed rest until then since I feel like I should be doing SOMETHING to take preventive measures.

With my first pregnancy I had a full abruption (where the placenta tears away from the uterus for those who don't know) at 34 weeks and had an emergency c-section. Since the baby was fully developed this didn't put her life in danger other then if I wouldn't have got help. So I was never worried about her being too small, too early etc.

This time though i have such a long time to go. I'm scared it'll abrupt in the second trimester or something.

I'm just looking for support and others who have had this happen now or in a previous pregnancy. I'm terrified I'll lose this baby and that this will be a recurring problem in all my future pregnancies. I'm 2 for 2 right now.

Anybody out there with success stories?