Birthday, Mother's Day and anniversary

Krystal • My husband and I got married on September 20, 2014. We have left it to God to decide when we get pregnant.
Tomorrow is my deceased mother-in-law's birthday and it's our first since her passing in December. On top of that we have Mother's Day next week and then what would have been their 40th wedding anniversary. I know it's going to be hard for all of us but especially my husband,( who before I came along did everything with his mom), and his dad. I took over her daycare after her passing and have been running it ever since with help from her husband my father-in-law. My husband took off work to celebrate her and to possibly not be around a bunch of people if he gets emotional tomorrow. She also has a twin sister that sounds a lot like her especially on the phone. Prayers would be nice for us. And on top of that oil have a child at the daycare that has a birthday tomorrow also so I have to keep my spirits up for her. May the fourth be with you BB and Aunt Punk.