Boyfriend as college roommate

Hey glow,

I could really use some advice. My boyfriend asked if we could rent an apartment together for college. We'll both be incoming freshman. Now this isn't because we're so in love with each other and can't stand to be a part (we are in love though).

Financially, it'd be cheaper to rent than dorm. And more stress free to rent than live with parents. His parents are moving to the suburbs, far away from his college and his commute would be hell. I can't stay at home. My mom has kicked me out and caused me hell throughout high school that I don't want to deal with her drama in college.

I would have to take out a 10k loan a year to pay for dorming 😕😦...or get an apartment. There may be other roommates there may not. It might just be us in a studio apartment near our universities.

So any suggestions? Yay or nay? Maybe? It's a BIG commitment