No signs of af...

I'm 6 days late, I o on 4/20. Neg tests. Neg frer. Cirvex is high (like I can't reach it sometimes), closed, and soft. Cm is the consistency of ewcm, and the color of creamy cm. nauseous, exhausted, pressure like feeling,  little twinges like cramps from 6 dpo. At 6dpo and 7dpo I felt like I was gonna start af off and on  like the wet feeling you get, but nope. I'm trying to not stress and forget about it. I'm not stressing cause either way af or not I will have my peanut sooner or later. But I would like to know. I haven't taken a test sence 4 days late, Bc I don't want to cry and stress out, if stress is the reason. but I'm not stressed at least I don't think I am. I'm actually more relaxed than i should  be. Either way I have an obgyn app the 12 to talk about my mcs, and where to go from there with treatment of progesterone or what not. and if I don't have af nor a bfp by then I'm asking for an ultrasound Bc couldn't this also mean a cyst? I hope there's a lil peanut on the us, but I don't want to look at the monitor Bc if it's empty I will cry.  And I hope I'm like my mom when she was pg with me. She didn't know till 15 weeks cause she was hurting and went to the doc. Her HCG was low. Surprise for her lol.  I pray that there's a lil peanut in there. I will be 5w 2d or in my 6th week if there is. Would it be too early to see a heart beat? I know the heart starts beating at 14 days after conception. But all I'm asking is prayers and dust that there's a lil baby in me and not cysts. Thank you