Any ideas?

So I realize I probably just have to wait until tomorrow for answers, but j thought in te mean time I would check to see if any of Yall have experienced anything similar. I'm 8w4d and went in for my first ultrasound yesterday. It was absolutely amazing. Doctor said the baby was a bit small, measuring more like 7w5d, but that the heart beat sounded great. I've been nauseous pretty much constantly for the last 2 weeks and exhausted since I found out about the little one, so my symptoms seem pretty normal. 
Anywho, today I got a call from the doctor's office while at work. I didn't realize it was them and I couldn't answer in the middle of work anyway, so I let it go to voicemail and then forgot about it until my drive home. I listened and the nurse said she was calling with some results, but didn't elaborate and the office was already closed for the day. All they did yesterday in addition to the ultrasound was take a urine sample. They did a urine sample and a bunch of blood tests at my first appointment two weeks ago and never called with results because everything was fine, so now that they called, it's making me worry that something is wrong.
So my question is what exactly are they testing for with this? All I can think of is hormone levels, but if the baby's heart rate is fine, then doesn't that mean that my hormone levels are ok? Any clarity would be great! I hate to worry if it's nothing...