10-12 week testing...feedback please

So my doc called me on Monday to let me know the results of the genetic testing I got done at 12 weeks. Thankfully those results were good news, but I also decided to find out the sex at the time. I don't know why I think the way I do, but I started researching that particular part and how your blood sample can figure out the sex. Came back with a lot of negative feedback from moms who were given the wrong results and researchers saying it's not always right.... I mean articles as recent as 3-4 months ago. I don't go in till end of May for my 16 week check-up to be able to ask the doc, but have any of you experienced this first hand and it was wrong, or if you chose to get it done and find out the gender did you get any sort of warning or heads up that it may not be accurate?