Team Green


Who else is team green? I am so ready to find out our big surprise!! 37 weeks today. Hopefully baby makes their appearance soon đź’š
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Team green with first baby! I'll be 37 weeks this Tuesday! Dying to find out if it's a little boy or girl in there! The end seems to be the hardest since its soooo close now! 


Diana • May 10, 2015
I feel the same way, getting so antsy! Very pretty picture ❤️


Posted at
We have the envelope with the baby's gender, just decided not to open. C-section planned for next week, we'll find out then I guess! :)


CFB • May 8, 2015
The plan was to open the envelope at a later date but in the end we decided just to keep it a surprise. Also the husband has hidden the envelope anyway so I can't get hands on it even if I wanted to know! :)


Diana • May 7, 2015
That's awesome. What made you change your mind and not open it?


Posted at
Ah I'm so excited to find out if our little one is a girl or boy!! Hopefully only one week to go!


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I'm so glad we kept it a surprise. I am 40 week exactly today and the guessing and old wives tales have been a lot of fun. 


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I am! Definitely ready to meet baby and finally find out the surprise, currently 39+3.


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Team green here for the second time! 37w1d, so it'll still be a little while.