Irregular Cycle vs Pregnancy


Hey everyone!

I have been struggling with irregular periods since I was 12, diagnosed with PCOS at 14 and told I was infertile at 15. I used to manage it with Birth Control. At 19 I had my daughter (very much unplanned but a miracle none the less). Since then I've been managing with birth control. In September of last year my honey and I decided to TTC (trying but not really putting in anymore effort than playtime in bed). My cycles were averaging 33 days until January when I started my new job. First was 42 days with negative HPTs, now I'm at 43, my last period on March 25th. I started making dietary changes last month (no wheat, soy, milk, pork, or grains and little sugar and few carbs). I took 2 tests last weekend and they were negative. I've been having fatigue, nausea in the mornings, acne, and constipation. Not sure if I'm pregnant or if I'm just late again. I'm scared to take another test, I have been disappointed every month. Thoughts? Ideas?