Your period shouldn't hurt! (Ovarian torsion story)


Hi ladies!

A little PSA for everyone. Since I had my second baby and turning 30, my periods had become increasingly more painful. The last few were awful, with sharp pains on my right side as well as my usual cramps. My husband drove me to the ER the last time it happened, and I was mortified at being an adult in an ER telling them my period hurt.

Turns out, a cyst on my right ovary was causing it to rotate intermittently. I needed emergency surgery to remove what they suspected was a dead ovary. I woke up to find that they had saved it. When he "unscrewed" it, the bloodflow returned and somehow, it had not died. A cyst had also been spilling necrotic tissue, that had adhered my appendix to my right ovary and my uterus as well.

I just finished my first cycle post op. I cannot tell you how different it was. Long story short, don't be afraid of sounding like a weenie to your MD. Periods should not cause you terrible pain!! On a side note, my hubby and I have been TTC for 2 years, heres to starting over with a clean slate!!