
I can't help but feel sad and depressed. I'm 24 weeks and we planned on having this baby, and I can't wait until he is here. 
Thing is that I don't know if I've ever felt so alone. 
My husband has to work all the time, including 12+hr days and weekends but of course he is "working for us". And once the baby comes, he will take time off. But I feel like I need him around now, not just later. He just doesn't get it. 
My friends have slowly fallen away BC we used to grab drinks or they are single and don't get it. 
I lost my job nannying a few months after I found out BC I was pregnant so I have nothing to do since no one will now hire me.
I just keep thinking about how this is supposed to be such a happy time in my life and I'm just so sad and alone. No one gets it.
Just needed to vent!