Does it feel different?

I miscarried my first pregnancy, and the only thing that kept me going was telling myself "next time it will feel different." I wasn't that sick and never got my bump, etc. Now I am 6 weeks along and it's not that different. Just curious for those of you who have miscarried and then gone on to have healthy babies. 
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With my first pregnancy I miscarried I was miserable the entire time. 3 months later I got pregnant again and I'm currently 27 weeks and this pregnancy has been the absolute best! But also I believe that it has a lot to do with the fact that no matter how sick or tired I was I didn't let myself dwell over it because I was so thankful everyday that I made it another day. It really helped me and now I honestly don't complain about much at all because I'd rather be miserable and pregnant then miserable without my baby... If that makes any sense. 


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Ok. The one thing I don't like about this app is that I scroll on the right side of my phone and you can't change your answer on polls. I accidentally hit yes...but I didn't mean to. Some women get very sick, others don't. I have 3 live births and one stillbirth, and one miscarriage. Some pregnancies were the same, others completely different. Don't stress...


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I lost my first one as well,was realy tired but not that sick. With my second I was so sick and after that went away im full of energy yet tire all the time,I'm 33 weeks


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It was different for me. My first pregnancy, I felt pregnant right away (before any symptoms or the bfp), boobs were super sore right away, etc but no morning sickness. This time, symptoms took a while to come in, but I got morning sickness. But I know some women had morning sickness with their miscarriages. So while it happened to be different for me, that doesn't mean it will be for you. Your baby might just be a few days behind (mine was 3 days behind EDD based on LMP) and morning sickness could still come along soon. And bump probably won't happen until the second trimester, so no worries there ☺️ good luck with your rainbow! 


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I miscarried twice in a row. Both pregnancies felt different to me, yet had the same outcome :(