I need someone to blame!

Suzy • Happily married to my fantastic husband. Mama to 2 boys, expecting baby #3 in Sept 2020!
Clinic wrote down a date for my level 2 US that was to be done at be hospital. So much anticipation as we were supposed to find out the gender and confirm that my heart-shaped uterus wasn't causing any problems. Me and my husband both took off work early, drove all the way down there only to find that the clinic wrote down the wrong date. The appointment was made for next week. I was so disappointed and cried for an hour after we got home. (Those darn hormones!) my poor husband didn't know what to think and just sat with me while I cried. I wanted to call someone and yell at them for being inept, but it is a mistake anyone could have made...
I just want to know if I'm having a boy or girl and if my uterus is functioning properly! *sigh* oh the ups and downs of this journey...