Extremely fatigued, unmotivated, and nauseated. Advice post.

Sara • Mommy to Ayden Alexander & expecting a princess in Dec. 2015!
I'm 9 weeks & 6 days pregnant expecting my 2nd. EDD Dec 6th based on LMP. 
First born is 4 years old and pregnancy with him was nothing like this time around. I had all the odd ball symptoms like severely sore gums, fainting spells, I had whooping cough at 3 months for a month, and was pretty sleepy but not an unusual amount with hardly any nausea. 
However this time, I just feel so dang lazy. I'm so tired everyday I'm dragging myself out of bed every morning and day dreaming of a 3 hr nap at work. I have very consistent nausea but minimal vomiting. But no appetite to eat or make anything. I can't describe my nausea feeling like when you're so hungry you feel sick but I feel like this all day even after I've forced a decent meal or snack.  
After getting my BFP right after missing my period, I cut my DAILY intake of coffee. I've been consistent with my habit for 4 years. I knew it wasn't good for me & had been meaning to cut back for while. Also the taste began to nauseate me like no other. 😭 I have a serious love/hate relationship with coffee, so this has been difficult. 
Anyway, I guess my purpose for my post is to ask, what do you working expectant mothers do to stay motivated to complete your daily duties? What has helped you with nausea and your extreme fatigue? I can't let life stop or slow down just because I'm pregnant. I still have a LO and SO to spend time with, a job to work, a house to clean, and dinner to cook. My SO has helped with things and been very understanding so far so I'm just wondering when I'll feel somewhat normal again and how do I manage this in the meantime?!
Thanks ladies, Happy Saturday and early Mother's Day!