Mother's Day and Miscarriage

Charity • Angel Baby 10/16/14 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl 2/25/16 👶🏻🎀 Angel Baby #2 8/2/17 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl #2 12/6/18 👶🏻🎀 Peanut growing due 11/2/2021 🥜
Some of you might say I am not a mother because I don't have a little one still in my belly or in my arms. To you: I don't care what you think. 
I am a mother. It's just that my baby is in heaven. 
I expected the due date to be hard, as I am sure it still will be, but surprisingly enough Mother's Day is hard too. A day where I would get my first Mother's Day gifts and be almost a month away from meeting my little is now a painful reminder of what I have lost. A painful reminder of what would have been. A day to mourn, for the millionth time, the loss of my baby. 
I just want all you other ladies who have lost a precious baby and are sad to see Mother's Day come to know that you are not alone. 
Please, if you don't really feel that I am a mother then just close this window now and keep your hurtful comments to yourself. However, if you are like me and find comfort in this post, this evidence that you are not alone in your feelings, then feel free to pour out your heart as well. I just wanted to get this off my chest.