My Experience (long)

I just recently found out I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and wanted to share the experience for anyone just now going through this. 
Last Monday at 6 weeks I was told my HCG levels were not rising and my baby had stopped growing. I was prescribed Misoprostol and pain killers to help with pain. I wanted to wait a week to see if it would happen naturally but I also wanted to move on. I planned on taking the medication yesterday, Saturday. 
Friday afternoon I started cramping and bleeding heavily. I also started passing clots, some were the size of my palm. Ibuprofen worked for the pain, felt like a really bad period with more bleeding. I was happy it was happening naturally but scared because it was ALOT of bleeding (a pad an hour) The next morning I was really light headed so I called the doctor and they said to start the Misoprostol because that would help regulate the bleeding. I took the first four pills around noon yesterday. If you get pain killers, take them! It did help with the bleeding and I had very little in the way of clots. This meant to me I had already gotten everything out. The cramping was intense but again, the pain killers helped mask the pain. 
Today, the bleeding has all but stopped and I am able to wear a panty liner only. I'm thinking the Misoprostol helped with this. Hopping to get AF soon and get things back to normal so we can start trying in the next couple months. 
Much love to mommies going through this hard time 💓