So stressed at SO's lack of support/help...

We live next door to his parents and they are very vocal people with very loud voices and strong opinions. Obviously their son can do no wrong in their eyes, but it's really starting to take a his father ahouted at me because I didnt clean up the greasy plates and pans that he had left on the side from the food he had made when his friend was over... Any time I try to talk things through with SO he is so uninterested, he's constantly saying he'll be busy working after she's born and won't be about much, he isn't prepared to change nappies or get up in the night and won't clean up after himself whatsoever. How whole life he has been pampered by his mother and had everything done for him but right now, I really do need him to just try to make my life just a little easier...he has also only contributed £200 towards getting the house ready and preparing for our daughter in the last six moths that I have been pregnant for, meaning that I've had to spend almost half of my savings just to survive and get the bare minimum. Any time I ask for his help he accuses me of starting an argument and tells me that we'll break up because we argue too mch.... I just feel as though I'm doing this all alone and don't know what to do?