No symptoms


I'm 6 weeks 3 days and I've been having pretty steady symptoms/feelings but they've become less consistent over the past day or so. I'm still exhausted and my boobs still hurt but I've been in my head and worried all day. I have my first ultrasound on Friday and I'll be a day away from 7 weeks. I'm sure it's all in my head but encouragement would be great. I don't have any bad symptoms like I did with my angel baby and I know that's good but I guess I'm just nervous. 
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Went to the doc today because my symptoms have really lessened (currently 8w 2d). Doc did a reassurance scan bc I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks in jan, and baby was measuring 2 days ahead with a Hb of 178. He said not to count on the symptoms when we've seen a healthy baby...don't stress!


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Don't stress out, my symptoms didn't really start until 7-8 weeks and they come and go every day. All pregnancies are different. Don't read too much into your symptoms, just enjoy your self and your pregnancy. I wish you the best of luck : )


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When I was pregnant with my son, my symptoms came and went. It was scary but I'm told that's normal.