Unappreciated 😔

I am 28 weeks pregnant . With our second child . Our daughter is 2 and a half years old . And I am feeling a little more than unappreciated the last little while . Maybe I'm just being a whiner . But it seems like no matter what I do . And no matter how hard I bust my ass , no one takes me seriously or even notices half the stuff I do . Mother's day this year , I woke up with my daughter at 5 in the morning because she was puking . Cleaned her up . Got her bedding changed and got some gravol in her . My husband slept .. then when he did wake up he asked me what I was making for breakfast , I feel like I may be over reacting . But isn't mothers day supposed to be about us mommies ? I'm just at my whits end . Feeling slightly depressed . I don't even want to say anything to him anymore . I just walk away and cry most of the time . Sorry this is so long & whiney , just needed to get it off my chest .