Leaving dec babys :(

💙Melissa💙 • Lincoln will be here soon!!!!

I hope each and everyone one you a long healthy pregnancies. I wish i was staying with you all so much!! i lost my baby Tuesday 💔 i went in for my first ultrasound supposed to be 10w baby was only 8w and no heartbeat Thing is im not bleeding or cramping but my morning sickness and boobs hurting stopped about 2 weeks a go so about same time thy said my baby stopped growing so if my body stopped them then why am i not bleeding it dont make since :'( They did my hgc levels Tuesday and they will do them again on today to make sure they are dropping or not doubling and i go Friday to talk to doctor about my opinions such as d&c or naturally.

I hope and pray each one of u get to meet your little gummy bears in December!!!!