Bed rest...


Sharing my story and looking for any advice or encouragement or similar stories. Anything at all!

I went in at 28.5 weeks and had baby measured completely and all looked good but she was measuring at 31wks and her head was 32weeks. She also was estimated to weigh 3lb5oz when she should have been around 2lb5oz. Doctor said she measured my cervix and it didn't look like she was going to try to come out sooner.

Then about 2 days later I was having painful contractions, got them to stop and went to bed for the night. Went to the dr the next day for a stress test and baby girl's heartbeat was perfect but I was having contractions 2mins apart. I was also somewhat dialated (dr said she could get one finger but I wasn't dialated all the way through so one side was still closed completely.) They gave me steroid shots for her lung development and put me on bed rest. In the past week being on bed rest I've had random times where for an hour I'll have contractions exactly 3mins apart and then they'll stop completely and the past two days I haven't had any contractions at all.

I go in tomorrow and they'll check my dialation. I wish they could re-measure her every week to see how she's growing but I know that won't happen! I feel better knowing she's measuring so far ahead and maybe I'm farther along than we thought but even if I'm not it means she's a big healthy baby so far!

This situation is just so weird I'm not sure what to make of it... lol...