Frustrated and sick as a dog

Leah • Mom of 2 boys. Sage due 08/23/15. 🎀
I am one frustrated, pregnant mom. My 4 year old has been VERY sick for almost 2 weeks now. Started with him complaining at night of being itchy and having leg pain. (This was later shown to be aches and pains along with some other part of his illness). That was for 2 nights, where he was constantly waking me up which to everyone else is fine cause I'm the only one who doesn't work... Anyways. By the third night he began the fever, massively HORRIBLE headache that nothing could get rid of, ad still the aches and pains and itching. By this time he is also running a very high fever, without medication it was 103.7, with it was 101. Nausea came next, followed by vomiting. It's now continued as nausea with congestion and a horrible cough you would think HAD to be whooping cough. He's been to the doctor twice because of this virus. And mommy (me) has been the one staying up all night with him almost every night, and taking care of him almost completely alone because he won't let anyone else take care of him. 
Now to my actual point. Last night daddy all of a sudden starts to feel sick and we both know it's this virus. So everyone is telling him he needs to rest and so on. (We currently live with his parents while apartment searching) which I'm fine with an agree upon. Until 11am runs around this morning and now I feel absolutely horrid. Even with my zofran I've been throwing up, nothing is taking this headache away and I just feel so sick and so terrible. I say something and the response I get is "well you never feel good". This comment coming bevause I'm pregnant and I will sometimes comment on how uncomfortable I've become. I'm seriously upset because I'm actually
Sick AND 26 weeks (tomorrow) pregnant, I havent gotten more then 2-3 hours of sleep during the night and while daddy lays down and I'm sitting here with a fever of 102.9.... Well I'm always sick so it musnt matter. Hopefully I will be able to rest soon. 😞