All good things come from above

Sarah • 27. Married. My son was born 2/22/16 and his little sister 7/5/17
My husband and I are trying for our first baby- we have been so incredibly preoccupied with it (it's very easy to get stuck on this!) and sitting here this morning, thinking about how badly I want a baby, and doing my devo's I realized how much I LOVE Jesus, with or without the promise of a baby; I radically love Him. And my excitement and anticipation for pregnancy comes from the JOY of knowing that I will be preparing a servant of the Lord. I will be raising a warrior of God, what an honor that will be! But all of this world, all of this life is such a passing of the wind, everything that happens, every detail of life is for the goodness of GOD! He is the one we are living for! And I hope that God has plans to bless us with a baby- but even if not, we are STILL BLESSED!! And in the waiting, I need to remember to serve Him. Because there is a day coming when Christ WILL return, and in that day NOTHING else will
Matter- not what our house looks like or how much money we make or even if we get a positive pregnancy test. His plans are perfect in every way. This post is half a repentance for putting this potential baby above God and my love for HIm, and half a recomitent to be a good and faithful servant to the only true living God. Bless Him in everything! I will rejoice today because the Lord is good!