Update after molar

Christine • Rainbow baby boy born January 2017 🌈 after a missed miscarriage Dec`14, molar pregnancy Apr`15 and blighted ovum Feb'16
Hi. Many of you have been so supportive during the past few months, when i suffered my miscarriage and then the molar pregnancy. I've talked about it in a few boards, so you my friends, are scattered accross several posts. I want to try and reach you all and give you an update, in case you're wondering what's been going on. Sorry it's a bit long and you may see this post in more than one board. 
So, it's been a month since the d+c to remove the mole. I bled and spotted for about 3 and a half weeks after the procedure. Hated it. So, from the initial 230,000 to the 10,000 a week after the d+c, my hcg is now at 338. My dr is happy with the progress and she's confident it'll soon go down to 0. I had a follow up appt last friday and she gave me the ok to resume normal activities including excercise, submerging my body in water (bathtubs and the beach!) and finally, sex. My husband wanted to take her to lunch right then and there, lol. The only condition is we have to avoid pregnancy so we have to use condoms 100% of the time, since i don't want bc pills. I still have to take hcg tests every week and the dr says when my hcg goes neg, we can monitor it monthly. When it comes neg for 3 consecutive months, then we can ttc again. I don't want to think about trying again, for now. I couldn't deal with another heartbreak. We'll see how we feel when the time comes. For now, i'm happy i don't have to feel like i'm grounded anymore. I can enjoy the summer and maybe take a little vacation, at least for a weekend. We'll see.
Thank you for your support and staying in touch. 💛