Foot pain.


I know none of you guys can diagnose me I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for opinions.

Yesterday on the top middle of my foot started hurting. It wasn't too bad, until my boyfriend and I went to the store when he got off from work. Sleeping was painful, I cannot keep my foot relaxed, on the side, pointed up, or even on top or bottom of my other foot without feeling pain. It started to swell before bed, so it was iced for about an hour or so as well.

Fast forward to this morning. Simple movements hurt. Stretching toes. Moving my foot to get off the bed. Walking. Putting on flip flops. I feel like it's just a cramp, but then I don't because it kind of feels like the metatarsals are shifting when on the side.

I don't want to go to a doctor just to be told there's nothing they can do, but I also don't know if it's good to wait and see if it goes away or not.
