Boyfriend && his uncle. I need some kind of response, its a bit long and maybe kind of a rant lol sorry

So i have this slight issue, maybe just more of a pet peeve i guess i dont know. My boyfriend is ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS with his uncle. He's 25 years old and he's around him like he's some kid. I understand his father lives in another state so he has a connection with his uncle. But it's getting to the point where he's making his uncle more important than everything not just myself. He just got a new job and promised to dedicate the weekends to me because those are his days off. We have yet to spend a weekend together without him being up his uncle's ass i have been stood up for the past month. Fully dressed and excited and then nothing. Even his mom is getting irritated because sometimes we wake up in the morning and he's already gone. He can spend all day and come home at night without texting or calling a soul!!!!! I mean he doesn't have to call me specifically but dammit at least your mother, who's always sick btw. I don't know what to do. I can't express my opinion because he gets easily upset, or he tells me its best to keep my thoughts to myself if they are negative. I can't say anything at all, he thinks im telling him not to be with his uncle. That's not the case although he may see it that way. But he has a home too, we are planning to get married soon and start a family but that can never happen if there is no time invested. I just don't know what to do anymore, im tired.