What aren't you eating now?

So what has everyone cut out? 
Hubs and I split a burger and a pulled pork sandwich last night - I asked them to make sure it wasn't pink but after a few bites noticed it still was so freaked out and gave it to hubby lol. I feel fine tho so I'm sure it's fine. I've been eating medium rare burgers all my life so I highly doubt I'm susceptible to anything from them at this point. Plus baby isn't getting anything I eat from me yet. Think it's ok??
And today I ordered a dish that the woman added sprouts to and I had to tell her I couldn't eat them and she had to start over lol 😳 luckily she had just started. But she kept trying to convince me that sprouts were healthy and I was like, noooo thanks. Lol
I have a feeling I'm going to be super paranoid about food this whole pregnancy. 
So what's the list again?
No soft cheeses 
No rare meat 
Everything washed well 
No unpasteurized dairy
No Fresh juice that's not freshly washed and juiced same time consumed 
No raw sprouts 
No alcohol 
Anything else to add?