Desperately TTC baby #2

On April 15th i took a test and it came out positive..according to this app i was 5 weeks 2 days. On the 20th of April i started bleeding (red and little clots) like the first day of a period. Doctor had me do blood work start the 25th through the 27th to see if my levels were doubling...i was done bleeding on the 26th and my levels were at 5 by that day. The boyfriend and i started to try again after i did my CM check on MAY 15th and it was eggwhite !! We've been having sex like every other day but i still havent started my period.. Firstly am i even able to conceive right now and secondly how would i even know when to take a test if my period is all out of whack. This anxiety is killing me 😟😯