CD 33... Is AF planning a surprise attack?

Jen • Mom to one very cute little boy conceived with the help of Glow! Avoiding baby #2 for a few years
So I'm on cycle day 33 and although glow says it's not due till Tuesday I feel late. My cycles average between 22-30 days so not sure why glow thinks it will come on day 35... Maybe Cuz my day 19 ovulation but I always ov on that day. I have been really chill this time around no temping just OPK until I got positive and don't even have HPT so haven't been testing like crazy. I don't feel any symptoms for AF not even spoting except the funny twinges again that I had last month and when I had MC. I'm not going to test until glow says I'm late. I'm afraid AF is planning a sneak attack.