Pimple or herpes? (Possible tmi, no picture)

Before I start this I know the only way I'll really know is by going to the doctor and getting tested. Just want opinions beforehand. Also don't read if you're worried about tmi. 
So maybe 4 months ago I noticed 3 bumps down there around the entrance of my vagina. 2 were together and the other one was on the other side. They weren't painful or itchy. I had them for 2 months until they went away. The last week I had them they did become painful for maybe a day or two but not itchy. So those 3 are completely gone. 
Now about a month ago I noticed a new one, not painful or anything. Last night I went hiking and must've irritated it. It's painful and itchy. I picked at it (i know I shouldn't have) anyway, it broke open and was bleeding but now it seems slightly smaller than before and a little hard ball of what looked like puss came out of it. Before it popped it was just a pink bump. Now it's red and irritated of course. I know herpes is normally in clusters. And this wasn't. So which one sounds more likely? 

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