Best Friend-Not

Lendsey • I am an open minded, nerdy, and band loving girl who is very hyperactive✌

OK, so here's the deal.

I have a 'bff' who somehow almost always gets me in trouble. She is a bitch, but at first I was like, "Isn't everyone?"

But I've recently noticed that she behaves like a spoiled brat.

If I say no to her on something, she simple stops talking and then, when I try and talk to her, she freaking snaps at me!

All through 2 years, I felt like her lap dog, following her around as she talked to people I introduced to her. It was like she was the only friend I had!

But then, I met these great people who later on i became part of. So, I obviously started hanging out with them more at school than my 'bff'. She was mad at me, but I didn't see why she was mad, I still hanged out with her after school.

I think it was because I wasn't following her around anymore...

She's also a bit violent and harsh, but I don't mind much, just as long as she didn't hurt me badly.

Although I've thought of simply saying bye, I can't.

She was basically the first friend I ever made at my school, and she's been there for me when I was bullied.

But I don't think she deserves the tittle of my bff anymore, not to sound braggy or anything....

What do you say?