Feeling so low

Been TTC since our miscarriage in January and just not happening. Me and oh are arguing a lot about it and it is getting me really down. He is saying he wants us to get super fit for this month to help aid pregnancy which I totally agree but he is saying it to the point that I shouldn't even have a couple of drinks with friends on a couple nights out I have booked in this month. I said after much debate that I won't drink then which I am really not bothered about, I just feel it's a little over the top. I also have a couple of scans on Friday to check my pelvis and ovaries to make sure everything is okay. We had already said that we will both go and then he asked again today if he is still going. I said that my mum could take me as I am not worried but by no means did I mean I didn't want him there. He has taken it completely the wrong way. No apology is working and now he is saying he doesn't want to try this month until we are on the same page. We totally are but he is not believing me. Hate when we fight. It is not making things any easier. I got AF today which don't help as it was another month failed. He can just be so irrational. Sorry for the rant but I just needed to get it off my chest. I am sorry for all your losses and wish you all the luck.