I am a horrible mother.

Everyday, this is how I feel. This is how my husband makes me feel. Because he is a baby expert apparently. He knows everything there is to know about babies. And I'm always wrong. The baby is 4 months old now and I haven't made a single decision yet. I get to feed him because I'm breastfeeding, and I get to pick his clothes, but that's it. Everytime I try to have a say in something else, I'm quickly told how that is not a good idea, and how he will do it better. I don't get to pick toys, or the food, where we play, what soap to use, nothing, the list goes on and on. None of my friends have met the baby because the baby "might get sick". But the baby has met his friends. Everything I do is wrong. I am not raising my son, i am just following instructions. I have to be cautious what I do because I don't want to do anything he might consider "wrong" because I don't want to hear the rant that comes with it. Sometimes I just want to go away.