Low sex drive and timed intercourse

My husband and I are doing Femara, Gonal-F, and Ovidrel with timed intercourse. I had the trigger shot on Saturday and we were sent home with instructions to BD on Sunday, Monday & today. We BD on Sunday and this morning but yesterday he was not able to ejaculate. He said he constantly has the thought of "we have to do this and we have to do this now" in his head. I feel that he has a low sex drive in general and he agrees. I'm praying we didn't completely screw our chances of conceiving this cycle since due to no ejaculation yesterday. Of course the night ended with me a complete emotional wreck and him staying home from work to comfort me. Infertility is such an emotional ride. 
What are your thoughts? Should he see a doctor for his low sex drive? Has anyone else experienced this? Where should we start?