Possible kidney issues?

♡ Angel ♡ • Wouldn't you like to know
I've had a slight fever for 3 days now. I'm pregnant and talked to the drs... all they have said is rest and fluids. Yesterday I felt slight pain in my lower left side and today I feel as if someone kicked me as hard as they could in that same spot... just moving hurts. I've never had kidney issues and not even sure this is a kidney thing... I'm just wondering if anyone had had kidney problems and if this sound like it. Should I again call my dr today or just continue with what they've been telling me to do with rest and fluids? My temp finally has gone down today. Was 100.2 but now had dropped to 99.1 to 99.9 at times. Dr said I shouldn't be concerned too much unless it gets up to 100.4 or higher. Any advice, tips or help is greatly appreciated ❤