My story...

Bridget • I`m 39, I have 5 living children, a cp, stillborn twin girls, and just suffered a miscarriage at 8 weeks. My fiance and I are trying for our 2nd and hopefully our rainbow baby.

Hello. My name is Bridget, and it has been almost 7 years (August 16th) since I said goodbye to my angels...

I found out I was pregnant, and I just had a feeling it qas gonna be I even told people I wouldn't be suprised if I had twins. Well tuens out I was pregnant with twins. Identical girls! I was soooo excited! When I went for my ultrasound that showed I was having twins, the tech said you don't seem shocked. I said I just had a feeling. So things went well untill my 20 week ultrasound. Where I was told my girls had twin to twin transfusion syndrome. It only happens with identicals... thwy shared a placenta, and the arteries and veins abnormally connexted in the placenta. It forced all of the blood , fluid, and nutirents to one baby and none to the other. The bigger twin Kailee was the one receiving all of the fluids and nutirents. The smaller one Kilee was getti g very little. I went to canton ohio, to see the specialists, they drained almost 4 liters of fluid off of Kailee trying to buy me some time to get to Cincinnati. Well I did make it to Cincinnati, and I was able to get the surgery. They severed 27 connections. And all seemed well. At the first ultrasound things seemed to be going a lot better. Kylee was finally getting fluid, and her kidneys were starting to function. And Kailees condition was not getting worse. They told me we wouldn't know the extent of the damage to her hearr until they were born. At the 2nd ultrasound I was told things looked promising, and that their situation was improving. At the 3rd ultrasound, my sweet baby girl Kailees heart had given out, and just couldn't take anymore, and she was gone. I rember having to go down to another ultrasound to see if they could detect anything. I was so distraught that I snapped at an older lady that had stopped to see if I was ok and if there was anything she could do. I snapped back at her and said" can you bring ny daughter back from the dead!?" I feel so bad now, and wish I knew who she was so I could apologize, but I can't. So it was then confirmed that Kailee had passed away. 3 days later I couldn't feel Kilee moving anymore. And I was so scared, I actually fell asleep thinking that maybe just maybe she had been sleeping. ( I had to carry Kailee for as long as Kilee was alive) I woke up in the morning and still couldn't feel her moving. I then went to the hospital, and I got 1 final ultrasound. I rember looking at the techs face, (because they wouldn't let me see the monitor) and she covered her mouth with her had and started crying. That's when I knew that my second sweet baby girl Kilee had also passed away. I left the hospital, because I was so upset and couldn't stand to be in another hospital at that moment. I was told my body would just go into labor. And if I hadn't gone into labor over the weekend that they could induce me, and that if I changed my mind I could co me back at any time and be induced. I ended up going back several hours later... they were born still after about 24 hours of labor. I did not have a c section, I did not have a d&c. I gave birth. I went thru labor knowing my daughters were alrwady gone. I held them and kissed them. And said hello and goodbye. That was the most heartbreaking day I've ever lived through. We had them cremated, and they are still with us. I am too selfish and heartbroken to part with them. I miss them so.